Intellectual Property expert shares 10 patent tips with Central Texas consultants
Patent research isn’t that difficult, is it? There’s plenty of information on the internet just waiting to be Googled.
Go for it!, says strategic patent expert Steve Pearson. Unless, of course, you are basing legal or financial decisions or your company’s future on your research.
Professional patent research and analysis require expertise and tools most business people are unaware of. And high-quality results can help inventors and entrepreneurs understand their competition and opportunities, the founder of the Pearson Strategy Group explained to a recent gathering of Austin’s IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network.
Pearson shared his experience in helping companies understand how to shift from tactical to strategic thinking when dealing with innovation and intellectual property research. He explained how targeted research and automated alerts can be leveraged to obtain timely information about competitors and trends.
This core idea drove the rest of his presentation, which progressed to helping members begin to understand how to increase innovation and protect their business models. Pearson shared how monitoring for disruptive, emerging, and adjacent technologies can increase opportunities and minimize risks.
By connecting relationships between technology, intellectual property, and markets, Pearson helped audience members see how these aspects must work together to achieve positive, protected growth.
He also shared 10 tips about how to approach patent research, including:
• How to justify your financial return.
• Scale the dollars spent on prior art research according to your risk and gain.
• When you shouldn’t seek a patent.
Finally, Pearson listened to members’ personal stories and answered questions about how they might leverage his services within their own companies, benefit from his Custom Alert packages, Automated Alert offerings, and strategic patent and Intellectual Property consulting.
If you’d like to have Steve present to your group, in person, or via webinar, contact him at 512.466.1450, or via email at or download the presentation here.
Photo credit: ConstantinosZ (Shutterstock)
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