What Approach Can You Expect from the Pearson Strategy Group?
At the Pearson Strategy Group, our strategy helps clients succeed. Here are a few of our guiding principles:
- We use a Stage-Gate (waterfall) process to minimize costs and maximize opportunities. Simply stated, we start with the projects/ideas most important to your bottom line.
- We collect input from a variety of our Alliance Partners to decide early and quickly whether a project/idea is likely to succeed. If not, we recommend not advancing further.
- We keep up with your known competition’s activities as well as activities in your market, technology, and intellectual property areas to minimize surprises and learn about opportunities well ahead of your competition.
- We respect the value of your intellectual property. Since 87 percent of the S&P 500’s average valuation is intellectual property [1], ideas and IP can’t be neglected when you’re trying to build business value.
- We balance short-term decisions against long-term goals and strategy. We push the envelope by starting the conversation at 15 years out. Of course, we also value adjustments as new information becomes available.
- We help identify your risks early in the project and then help you minimize them according to your overall strategy.
- We recommend using secondary research to leverage the knowledge of others before conducting more costly and more time-consuming primary research.
- We recommend when NOT to spend time and money on a patent and help you consider all forms of protection for your intellectual property, according to your overall goals.
- We consider cooperative approaches such as licensing, partnerships, and joint ventures.
- We encourage due diligence before you make any significant investments of time or money. We Look Before You Leap!
Guarantees are hard to find, but we offer you our guarantee that you’ll like every one of our deliverables or we’ll make it right to your satisfaction.