Contact us for more information about the patent process, what to expect and pricing.
Is your idea really new and unclaimed?
If not, moving ahead with a patent filing can be an expensive mistake.
The patent process can easily cost you $10,000 including legal fees, but the USPTO only issues patents for about 50% of the applications it receives.
Of those patents issued, only 5% are ever monetized.
Our patent research and prior art discovery cover worldwide resources (over 100 countries), important since only 19 percent of the patent applications are being filed in the U.S. Typical clients are in the consumer goods, electrical, mechanical, and software arts. For your project, we will use the same professional-grade search processes that the largest companies (including 3M and GE) hire us to use.
You will receive a custom report that includes:
• International publications (great for patentability)
• Legal statuses (critical knowledge for assessing your risk of infringement)
• Any court cases (also important for assessing your risk of patent infringement
• Lots of hyperlinks to additional information
• Other data that you may request when we discuss your needs
Contact us for sample search results.
You can expect actionable results, fast turnarounds, and great communication at all times. My intent and history are to make sure you get everything you need and more.
About Our Guaranteed Process
PSG experts have developed several powerful methodologies, based on more than 13 years of patent research history.
Typically, our detailed, specific results will discover information missed by other patent researchers or patent attorneys.
We are confident in our methods and guarantee our results will meet your satisfaction. We dare you to find another patent research company that makes this promise.
PSG understands fast-moving business needs and our reports are often available in a few days.