Are you a Veteran? We want to say ‘Thanks!’ Pearson Strategy is a veteran-owned business, and we appreciate your hard work and dedication to serving our country. We will salute those entrepreneurs, inventors, and business owners from any military branch with a discount of 15% on your first $1,000 in services. Caveat Tyrannis!
Patent Data-Driven Innovation
Patent data produces a treasure trove of market insights, technological trends, and legal references for technologists, engineers, investors, marketers, legal professionals, and executives looking for competitive advantage.
Intellectual Property Strategy for SaaS Startups
For startup founders and entrepreneurs juggling the many hats they wear during the infant stage of their companies, success often requires becoming a jack of all trades. While it may seem expensive and time-consuming, the investment in intellectual property will protect the most valuable assets of the company and the hard work being put into other areas of the business. Moreover, securing the intellectual property rights to any proprietary products and technology will help the business stand out when seeking venture capital funding.
How to Confidently Decide Between a Provisional and Non-Provisional Patent Application for Your Invention
The provisional application represents a placeholder for later filed applications filed by the inventor. When you file a provisional application, it is not examined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and never directly results in the issuance of a patent. Instead, it acts as a placeholder for a non-provisional application “converted” within the following 12 months. Any non-provisional application claiming the benefit of the provisional application retains the original filing date.
Summer 2021 Newsletter from Steve Pearson
Celebrating 10 Years in Business.
How to Leverage the Amazon Brand Registry
Seasoned resellers seek out our expertise in conducting patent and trademark due diligence not only to try to avoid the usual legal entanglements, but to get help avoiding Amazon takedown notices. These takedowns present a thorny problem for Amazon sellers as they often occur without warning. They immediately freeze sales, lock inventory and make purchase order problems. Too often our newest clients arrive AFTER the takedown notice.
Approaching Patent Valuations, Common Methods and Qualifications of Analysts
IP (intellectual property), in the form of patents and proprietary technology, is what makes your company unique, and uniqueness is what leading companies strive for. What are the best methods for valuation of your IP?
Understanding Patents and the Need for Valuation: The Basics
Patent valuation quantifies in monetary terms the future commercial utility that can be extracted from the use of the patent. The patent may be used in one’s own products or licensed to a third party to generate income.
Summer 2020 Newsletter
Throughout this year of change and uncertainty, PSG has remained productive and fully engaged for our clients around the world. We’re happy to report that on July 7 we celebrated 9 uninterrupted years of helping our clients move their companies and ideas forward. In fact, PSG has gained many new clients in the past few months, most with COVID-related ideas.
Watch Your Step! 5 Patent Research Pitfalls to Avoid
Would you base the future of your business on a $40 report? Would you invest $10,000 in a patent process encouraged by the results of a free internet search? Sadly, I’ve met people who have hurt their business prospects by inadvertently using poor patent services. Don’t get tripped up! I explain how to know if a search is complete, whether a searcher is knowledgeable, what inferior results look like, and more in my latest blog.